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All Hail These Memes of King Charles

“Laser Eye King Charles” is already a template on KnowYourMeme. (via KnowYourMeme.com)

As whatever part of the world that still believes monarchy should be a thing mourns the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, a new anachronistic figurehead prepares to step into her place. Charles, Prince of Wales, the world’s oldest intern, has finally risen to the throne, as his mother cedes her 70-year reign as Queen of England. He will probably not bring the same hat game to the table, but truly, who could?

Of course, as one king ascends to the throne, the rest of the world must meme.

While some of these are arguably not the most clever of memes, many of them are contenders to be the cutest, especially because King Charles shares a name with an unrelated British dog breed.

It’s also a moment that poses some unique opportunities.

Ultimately, it is a time of great change, as we acknowledge the inevitable passing of all things, even a monarch who seemed, perhaps, to be above such petty mortal concerns like actually ever dying. And we cope, collectively, the way we always do: We meme.

Okay, hmm, it feels like some of these are a little mean, but I suppose they barely compare to the vicissitudes of the notoriously mercurial British tabloid press. If there’s one thing the British royal family is trained through a lifetime of service to do — and arguably it might be the only thing — it’s taking negative social commentary on the chin.

Although we should probably remember to rein it in a little, because we’re not just talking about a man who lost his mother this week, but also one with probable access to nuclear codes. Hopefully, King Charles will be able to take the public ribbing with at least one-tenth the grace of, say, Meghan Markle.

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