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Unlikely Journal for Creative Arts Releases New Issue, Calls for Guest Editors and Submissions

Unlikely Journal for Creative Arts, a transdisciplinary online journal, opens unexpected spaces for artistic exchange and scholarly conversations across mediums, disciplines, and continents.

Guest-edited by Anastasia A Khodyreva and Elina Suoyrjö (Turku, Finland), Unlikely Issue 7, “Following Sonorous Bodies,” features work by contributors Brandon LaBelle, Nik Forrest, Ed Garland, Janna Holmstedt, Chantelle Mitchell and Jaxon Waterhouse, Jo Pester, Pälvi Puro Rantala, Geoff Robinson, Mattie Sempert, and Kristen Sharp, Eric la Casa, and Salomé Voegelin.

Inspired by the work of Katve-Kaisa Kontturi and Milla Tiainen and Ilona Hongisto, among others, the issue engages with the practice of following as a way into the materialities and processes of art and art practices. The contributing scholars, writers, visual and sound artists were invited to think and work outside the usual academic constraints — more personally, poetically, playfully, and even painfully — as they slowed down to encounter their own and other sonorous bodies and spaces.  Animated by ethical-political concerns, some asked, “Which bodies/voices are muted, silenced, or not listened to?” Others responded to the spaces and materials of sonic events — experiencing the porous boundaries between bodies, between bodies and environments, between human and more-than-human, and between inside and outside. Some contributors worked with practices such as sound-walking, experimental interviewing, being-with, listening-dreaming, and calling and remembering; others tuned into a queer body, a slobbering body, an insomniac body, and a painful rheumatoid body.

Issue 7 raises questions about what it is to follow, what it is to listen, and what it is to be touched by sound in sonic bodies, spaces, and events. The material instinct that animates this issue evokes affective responses and open-ended, ever-shifting ways of thinking.

Contributor proposals for Issue 8, “Birds & Language,” are due by 8am EST on December 15, 2021 (midnight on December 15 AEDT).

Unlikely invites proposals to guest edit themed journal issues, books, e-books, and project space works. Email info@unlikely.net.au for more information.

To read “Following Sonorous Bodies” and learn more, visit unlikely.net.au.

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