During a special evening of extended hours on Wednesday, November 10, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum presents the latest work by Carlos Martiel, “Monumento II” (“Monument II,” 2021).
Carlos Martiel is a Cuban artist who creates installation and performance works where his lone body undergoes ritualistic acts, pain, and extreme physical stress. While his socially engaged work challenges systems of violence, displacement, and immigration, the artist’s body under duress functions as a conduit for the histories and lived experiences of the Black body. These projects act as a commentary on oppressive and racist power structures, cultural hegemony, and global geopolitics.
“Monumento II” is a site-specific corporeal installation that makes visible the artist’s concerns with invisible power structures. This work follows “Monumento I” (2021), which featured Martiel’s blood-covered naked body as a temporary monument representing historically discriminated, oppressed, and excluded minorities in the United States. In this new presentation, Martiel will once again use his nude body while remaining handcuffed atop a pedestal in the Guggenheim Museum’s rotunda. Evoking a living sculpture, he will endure this fixed position in silence for several hours as a form of activism and physical resistance against the abuses of power that affect marginalized communities of color.
Throughout the duration of “Monumento II,” which will be presented during the extended museum hours of 6 to 8pm, visitors will be able to view the performance from multiple perspectives around the museum’s ascending ramp alongside the current exhibitions.
To learn more and purchase tickets, visit guggenheim.org.
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